
dance on screen productions

Moment by the Sea - dance on screen

choreography Ellen Margurite Rohr Staff & dancers
damcers Katy Pendlebury, Katie Keeble, Jonathan Megaw, Ellen Margurite Rohr Staff
camera Kelly Elston
edit Ellen Margurite Rohr Staff, Jonas Bjerketvedt
colourist Gorge Cheng
music Jonas Bjerketvedt

Moment by the Sea was created along the Dorset coastline in the summer of 2007 as part of site specific explorations into movement based on different forms of life found along the coast. Moment by the Sea is a work in progress film produced by StaffOnly Dance Company and is the first in a series of 2 films to explore dance and its environment. The film is in developing stages to continue discovering along the Norwegian coastline.

Human Concrete - dance on screen 

choreography Katie Keeble, Ellen Margurite Rohr Staff
dancers Katie Keeble, Ellen Margurite Rohr Staff
camera Gorge Cheng
edit Gordge Cheng Ellen Margurite Rohr Staff, Jonas Bjerketvedt
music Jonas Bjerketvedt

Human Concrete was made in the autumn 2007 as the second in the series of two films by StaffOnly Dance Company. Human Concrete looks at the relationship between the human body and urban environments in a fantasy vision blurring the boundaries of dream and reality. 

Images taken from films.

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